Four short videos were shot at the University of Fribourg interviewing the PlaMatSu coordinator, some of the PIs and two ESRs. In the interviews, the participants describe their projects, the concept of bio-inspired materials, the importance of interdisciplinary and international collaborations as well as the concept and benefits of being part of an ITN.
- Coordinator Bruns (UNIFR): What is an ITN and what is the idea behind PlaMatSu. Link to video.
- PIs Vignolini (UCAM) and Steiner (UNIFR): Scientific collaboration across discipline borders and country borders. Link to video.
- ESRs Bergmann and Surapaneni: Why did you choose to embark on a PhD and why within an ITN. Link to video.
- PIs Speck (ALU-FR) and Reiter (ALU-FR): Bio-inspired materials sciences - from plants to advanced materials. Link to video.